Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome 2013!!!

Well, it is another New Year. Another chance at starting over, finishing projects left undone, attempting to eat healthier, trimming down the waistline, new adventures, creating new projects, putting money in the savings account for a rainy day or whatever it is that we promise we will do for this coming year. I personally hope this year is less trying than 2012. Yes, 2012 had some great moments but is also had some moments I would rather not repeat. I guess when you get down to it, we could say that about most years, but 2012 had more of those moments than some other years. Some positive moments for 2012.....owning our first home, camping twice with amazing people in our letterboxing world, getting a job as a visting nurse per diem, our 2nd son graduating high school and finding out during graduation that 2nd son worked on creating and making an outside classroom for his school. Of course, I cannot forget my trip to Houston last Memorial Day weekend to visit my cousin Rob.
Well, here's to 2013, hoping it will be better, wiser, healthier, happier, more adventurous and more successful!!!!!