I loooove Spring! The flowers are just amazing and the birds.........the birds are just so much fun to watch. We have blue birds, wrens and 3 baby chipping sparrows. The hummingbirds, robins, cedar waxwings, red winged black birds, gold finches are just a few of the other daily visitors right now. I come home from work and just look forward to seeing what comes to our feeders and yard while I am cooking dinner and washing dishes. I feel like a child on Christmas morning. Even though we have had some of these same birds, year after year, they just never cease to amaze me. The wrens swooping down to catch a bug for their young or a robin pulling a big old earthworm from the grass, running with it from another bird. Oh, and we have a tree toad living in our garden hose holder! Did I mention how much I love Spring?
3 Baby chipping Sparrows |
Day Lilly |
Clematis -( where the chipping sparrow's nest is) |
Mountain Laurel |
Tree Toad |
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