Saturday, May 1, 2021

Tired and sore but loving this project!

 So I've learned a few things the hard way. One....don't ever touch a screw that you just used an electric screw driver on! Ouch!!

2nd...i will never use Spar Urethane to seal my decorative pots coated them all yellow and to make it worse I had applied the first coat with a sponge made drips.

You know...its all okay. So my garden won't be will be unique and mine!

So many times I hear people say they are afraid to try gardening; I look at it as an adventure...just like life. So you make a mistake, but you can learn from that. I killed my first Orchid.....was afraid to get another one; but I recently did. Looking up info online, I am gonna try a different potting medium. We will see.

Part of my mission with my garden is to recycle and use as much as I can of what we already have. The back fence doesn't look the prettiest so I added some lattice that was left over from previous project. By the time our grapes fill the back fence it won't matter. Plus, soon we will have rose bushes a trellis and bench. 

Here is how I left it when I finished for today

The front where you see fresh mulch is actually just outside the garden. We've had blueberry bushes and rhubarb there for years. But you can't have a shabby looking entrance into a rose garden, so I am dressing that up.

Got my 5 yards of mulch and soil today.

Still alot of work to do! Oh, I purchase a set of 5 roses that were selected by the company I got them from. Figured it was a surprise. They got delivered this week and the selection they sent is wonderful and look how amazing the roots look

I also mixed, by hand, 4 bags of cement to make my stepping stones that I plan to paint. I have one finished that had been just sitting in our garage.

Can't wait to start painting the rest!!

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